New to New Hope?
You might be wondering, "what's it really like at New Hope?". Simply stated, at New Hope, we're all about Hope. You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation. And we don't care how you're dressed or what candidate you voted for. Our church is made up of imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable.
Want to know the best part? No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have about God and faith, our church is a place where you'll find hope and what step to take next in your journey of faith.

1. Get Connected with Next Steps
Here at New Hope Community Church we believe that everyone is on a faith journey, and everyone has a next step to take. The beauty is when each of us takes one step of faith, it means we are drawing closer to God, closer to each other, and closer to becoming the community of faith He has called us to be. Simply put, we want to help you discover your next step and encourage you as you take it.
Next Steps is designed to equip you as you continue your faith journey, take your next step, and discover what it looks like to partner with us in the mission of helping people find hope one step at a time. Next Steps consists of 4 consecutive classes that take place every other month-all with you in mind.
2. Get Connected for Care
At New Hope we never want you to feel alone when you go through times of crisis or difficulty. Whether you or a family member is in the hospital, you need prayer, or you need someone to meet with; we want to be here for you and support you no matter the circumstance.
To get connected, simply use the button above to fill out a quick form and our Care Pastor will get back with you soon.
3. Get Connected with a Pastor
If you would like to learn more about New Hope or contact a pastor, you can send an email using the button above!